Sunday, January 27, 2008

vloging and blogging

i'm about to start vloging and i'm going to use this blog to annotate the experience and to throw up (regurgitate) stuff of interest that i come across in my explorations in this new magical world of free expression - or not. i've been here before without much continuity, but i'm thinking the discipline of putting up a weekly vlog will force me to write something - we'll see.

i'm not a maker of films although i know the front end of a camera so i can point and shoot, which is all that's required it seems and i'm going to use a borrowed cybershot until i can buy my own - i don't know how to edit nor do i have the equipment, cinema verite with my own narration.

there's a bit of a learning curve here what with blogging, vlogging, twittering, and ninging but the only way i'm going to get it is to do it, so here goes.

i'm going to focus on my garden which is in the deep freeze right now but spring is coming and this will be a weekly diary of sorts, watching the garlic and dandelions growing - the other theme is going to be the torture challenge for which i'm going to have to create yet another blog and/or ning - blogtalkradio as well, perhaps.

and homelessness in the valley - it's bloody cold out there, i don't know how they survive.

if you want to do your own vloging, check out rupert howe - he's the bloke what turned me on..."Every week in 2008, we're posting videos. 52 videos by the end of the year. Post on your blog, on Seesmic, Facebook, YouTube, whatever, wherever and however. You can do anything you want. As long as it moves."

i'm trying to upload my first vlog and it's taking forever, like maybe it's not going to do it - na, it's not, on to youtube.


ernie yacub said...

the downside of all this is that i need more TIME - anybody know where i can find some?

MadMac66 said...

good luck to ya, and welcome to the party, to the gang, to the show that never ends....

Raymond K said...

Welcome to Semanal (I joined this very week myself)! Where are your earlier videos?

Rupert is a great guy, and I am glad that he is the one who inspired you to get into all this.

Homelessness - have you heard about Homeless Nation? It is a great way for homeless people to express their own voice. No, we are not Giving them a voice - they surely have that one already - but we are giving them ideas as to how their voices can be heard.

I heard about Homeless Nation from Bretty Gaylor - his videos on there you can see here:

Brett also introduced the project at VloggerCon 2006, and you can see the video from that session here:

Myself, I am very interested in the global context of all of this. Imagine if you can subscribe to videos from someone from Nigeria or Egypt or Thailand who are also interested in seeds and some of these other interests of yours. That you and they can show each other your world, that you can get to know things, that you eventually could collaborate maybe.

Once again welcome! Please feel free to ask any of us if you have questions, be they of a technical form or otherwise.

Raymond M. Kristiansen (